Wendelmoet van Donk

Dental Assistant

“It’s very pleasant to work in this practice and I am a familiar face to many people. I have seen some of our patients for 14 years! “

My name is Wendelmoet and I am the mother of two sons. In August 2004, I saw an ad in the newspaper looking for an assistant in a pleasant practice. I looked into the position and shortly thereafter, I started as an assistant for Rob and Yu Lan. Yu Lan worked for a while in Germany, and after she returned, we picked up where we left off and that immediately felt very familiar again. In recent years, I’ve also assisted Lieske on Mondays.

It’s very pleasant to work in this practice, and it’s important that the patient feels at ease with us. The working atmosphere among colleagues is very important because that also contributes to a pleasant visit to the dentist.

To keep our dental knowledge and expertise up to date, my colleagues and I regularly take continuing education courses. This keeps me versatile and offers new opportunities and challenges at work. Every once in a while, I sit behind the reception desk, where I take the time to establish personal contact with our patients. I really like that. Some of them I have greeted and helped for 14 years!

Every dentist has to deal with unexpected issues such as emergencies that cause the schedule to shift. I see it as my personal challenge to iron out those situations smoothly together with my colleagues. I try to make sure that you and other patients notice these things as little as possible. We will gladly serve you a cup of coffee or tea to make the wait as pleasant as possible.
I hope that I can and will continue to work in this pleasant practice for a long time.

Some facts about Wendelmoet

  • Wendelmoet is a mother of two sons;
  • She has been working for the practice since 2004;
  • She assists both Yu Lan and Lieske;
  • Wendelmoet enjoys the variety in her work and the personal contact she has with patients.